Rum raisin L'Escargot at Du Pain et Des Idées.
Raisin and cream filled L’Escargot at Du Pain et Des Idées.

There is another type of escargot in France, and while I have no trouble eating snails, many may find the other version, a delicious and decadent pastry made by many of the city’s best boulangeries, a bit more palatable. At Du Pain set Des Idées in the 10th Arrondissement, arguably Paris’ prettiest boulangerie with a historic facade that dates back to the 1800’s and interior with gilded mirrors and bowls oveflowing with mouthwatering pastries and breads like their famed pain des amis, they make L’Escargot, a snail shaped pastry featuring swirls of buttery dough flecked with various flavorings. Known for unique twists on classic french pastries, Du Pain et Des Idées’ flavors range from a more traditional rum raisin, to pistachio and chocolate and lemon with bits of nougat di montélimar– a candy made with whipped egg whites, honey and pistachio and almond.

Du Pain et Des Idées is located on a corner near Canal Saint Martin.
Du Pain et Des Idées is located on a corner near Canal Saint Martin.

When I first spotted this bakery on a run, I skidded to a halt and immediately ran towards it enticed by the postcard perfect exterior and scent of butter and yeast that all Paris’ best bakeries produce. Walking inside felt like a dream. I couldn’t resist buying some bread and after eyeing the baskets of pain au chocolate with banana, sacristan and chausson a la pomme,  I knew I’d be back for more. This weekend I decided to indulge in the L’Escargot aux pralines which includes caramelized nuts and bits of pink candy.

Inside the bakery.
The beautifully restored interior of the bakery that dates back to the 1800’s.

As I started to eat the crispy outer layers working my way to the more moist center, I thought about how much it reminded me of the sugar cookies my mom makes every Christmas. The dough has a healthy hint of almond and vanilla and is sort of like a palmier but more moist. The L’Escarogt truly is the perfect marriage between a croissant and a cookie and while the syrupy pink parts were sweet, maybe a bit too sweet, I enjoyed the flavor of the dough and the texture immensely. Ofcourse their are more flavors to try. I’ve heard they make a fresh berry version in summer…….

Citron L'Escargot and L'Escargot aux Praline.
Citron L’Escargot and L’Escargot aux Praline.

34 rue Yves Toudic

Paris, 75010

01 42 40 44 52


One Comment

  1. How tempting! Casey you have a way of finding my well hidden sweet tooth. Lovely story. Lulu